
This Cloud foundational pillar provisions the various Azure services related to the Security.

You can choose whether to deploy through the console directly or on download as Terraform or GitHub to deploy later.

Estimated deployment time - 30mins


How This Solution Works

Security gives Clients and users complete access to the service provider's cloud infrastructure applications. These applications are made accessible from most kind of client devices, usually with a web browser interface.

Below are some of the main Azure services which are to be provisioned as part of this Security foundational pillar:

  • Keyvault
  • Keyvault Access Policies
  • Keyvault Secrets
  • Keyvault Keys
  • Disk Encryption Set
  • Service Principal
  • Network Security Group
  • Virtual Network & Subnets
  • Private DNS Zones
  • Role Assignment
  • Private Endpoints
  • Public IP Address
  • Application Gateway

Above Services are provisioned under Resource group : "acnbkcloud_security".