Operation Hub

This recipe provisions Landing Zone, Enterprise Data Lake and Data Hub.

You can choose whether to deploy through the console directly or on download as Terraform or GitHub to deploy later.

Estimated deployment time - 30mins



Applying Operation Hub one-click recipe will deploy following components inside of customer-provided Subscription.

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  • LandingZone: Following are the pre-requisites of having this one click recipe which will be provisioned: New Vnet, Key Vault, Service Principle, Subnet, Private Endpoints, New Resource group and Data Persona’s.
  • Enterprise Data Lake:

    1. ADLS Gen2 with containers for data storage
    2. Azure Data Factory for orchestration
    3. Azure Databricks for data transformation

  • Data Hub

    1. Azure Cosmos DB No-SQL
    2. Azure Cosmos DB Table
See also:Architecture of One-Click Recipes and Landing Zones.

Post-deployment Steps

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1. Create data Databricks notebooks to load data from sources and process data.

2. Create Azure Data Factory orchestration for Databricks notebooks execution.

3. Create Data Enrichment and Prediction components on top of Data Lake to discover additional value and trends from data.

4. Get access to APIs to consume near-real time data from corresponding systems.

5. Create Logic Apps and/or Azure Function Apps to insert messages to Cosmos DB.

6. Use API Management to register APIs to provide data from Cosmos DB to Consuming Applications.

Reference Architecture

Operation Hub One-click Recipe represents combination of Landing Zone basic services, and Core capabilities - Enterprise Data Lake and Data Hub.

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1. SOR’s are called System of records, that are the first generation of data. SOR’s from different platforms are collected and is given as input to EDL platform.

2. In EDL, we apply the PI handling, reduction, syncing, batching on the data. Segregate it and store it in a daily and monthly fashion.

3. Blend is a platform that generates modular components and automated workflows for all the Banks. This Blend platform along with large collection of mainframe files are as well given as input to Data Hub Cosmos DB.

4. Azure Logic Apps and Azure Functions simplify the way that you connect legacy, modern, and cutting-edge systems across cloud, on premises, and hybrid environments and provides low-code-no-code tools for you to develop integration with scalable globally distributed Cosmos DB.

5. Data Hub represented by Cosmos DB provides few options for database APIs including:

  • Table API is designed for applications that require a simple key-attribute data store without complex joins or transactions. Use for scenarios where you need fast access to data via a primary key.
  • NoSQL API (Core QL API and MongoDB API) is suitable for more complex scenarios involving rich queries, multiple item types, and flexible schemas. It supports SQL-like querying capabilities.