Our Vision

Secure Cloud Foundation (SCF), jointly developed by Accenture and Microsoft, helps enterprise customers meet the demands of an ever-changing market by compressing cloud-enabled business transformation up to 50% faster so they can spend less time focused on cloud complexities and more time creating real business value.

SCF characteristics:

  • An automated repeatable Cloud Foundation scripts are flexible to create a platform based on functional need, it optimizes for business outcomes, including speed, resilience, scale and agility, by removing the heavy lifting associated with building a cloud environment and applications.
  • Pre-Configured capability-based Azure Cloud offering patterns with built-in security.
  • Achieving digital decoupling – scale core platform thin-out & front-office insulation.

SCF enables following repeatable ways of deployment:

  • Foundational Layers
  • Landing Zones and One-click Recipes
  • Stand-alone Services
  • Custom Scripts

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Our Purpose

  • SCF allows Accenture teams to quickly deploy and make changes to components necessary to project implementation.
  • SCF provides user interface with parametrization which allows redeployment of the same configuration, changes to configurations or deployment of same configuration to different environments.
  • SCF uses configurable Terraform Scripts which creates or enhances platforms with various fit for purpose capabilities and automatically makes necessary changes in case of configuration changes.